Climate Neutral Film Productions & Livestreams
Devastating forest fires, global warming, or the melting of the polar ice caps - in short, the list of catastrophic effects of climate change is long. For this reason, we as a company have decided to give you, our customers, the opportunity to offset the CO2 emissions generated by our sustainable and climate-neutral film productions and livestreams.
In this way, we try to fulfill our joint responsibility for a sustainable economy and society to a certain extent.
Climate Neutral Film Productions & Livestreams - Why should we offset caused CO2 emissions?
Climate change is probably the biggest challenge of all time that we as a global society have to face. As a society whose energy supply is based on fossil fuels, we must be aware that every step we take causes emissions. Our film productions are not exempt from this either. It is good that a new awareness for environmental protection and sustainability has arisen in our society. At last, the much-needed energy turnaround towards renewable energies is being tackled.
Until that time has come and we can rely on a sustainable energy supply across the board, it is our responsibility to avoid the emissions that will be generated until then as far as possible. This includes sustainable planning on the one hand, but also the compensation of the condemned emissions. Offsetting CO2 emissions by financing compensation projects that actively promote climate protection is a practical and certified way to make our film production climate-neutral and thus more sustainable.
How does CO2 offsetting work and is it effective in terms of the bottom line?
Certified climate protection projects all over the world actively bind CO2, for example by reforestation, and thus remove it from the atmosphere. The activities required for this cause costs that are allocated to the bound CO2. This makes it possible to calculate what it costs to bind certain amounts of CO2.
For our projects, we calculate the CO2 emissions caused by our activities and, thus, the amount needed to offset them. The amount paid for CO2 offsetting is then made available to the climate protection projects selected by us via our certified partner natureoffice. CO2-Ausgleich gezahlte Betrag wird dann über unseren zertifizierten Partner natureoffice den von uns ausgewählten Klimaschutzprojekten zur Verfügung gestellt.

How can we be sure that CO2 offsetting really takes place?
Today, from the DAX corporation to the supermarket, every company is "green" in some way. Greenwashing is a real problem, because where image takes priority, the environment often misses out. That's why we really dug deep and looked for a competent and certified cooperation partner in natureoffice.
natureoffice uses the money generated by CO2 offsetting to finance the climate protection projects already mentioned, which actively bind CO2 from the atmosphere. This process is certified by TÜV Süd with so-called Gold Standard certificates.
This climate protection project makes our film productions climate neutral:
Togo is a West African country bordering Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Benin. Behind Project Togo is the vision of the company natureoffice and has the goal to bind as much CO2 as possible through natural forest reforestation. In addition, Project Togo tries to combine climate protection with the improvement of social structures and, thus, to ensure sustainable improvements in the long term.
The project, which began in 2010, not only plants trees, but also builds wells. In addition, the project provides livestock such as sheep, ensures clean drinking water, and tries to improve the climate with targeted measures.

The creation of a natural forest not only makes an important contribution to the conservation of native tree and plant species, but also promotes the very important biodiversity. At the same time, local jobs are created which improve the social structures within the project region.
The natural forest reforestation within the framework of Project Togo is accompanied by proven experts from science and civil society and stands for a certified binding of CO2. Through continuous transparency, the project shows how ecology and economy can work effectively in harmony and, thus, improve the development of a region.
The use of the images from Project Togo is made with the kind permission of natureoffice. natureoffice.
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