Live Streaming

Seehund Media gives you the possibility to move your events, lectures, conferences, and individual projects to the internet via livestreaming. Multiple camera angles, live direction, interludes, and live switching via video chat make it possible to produce your very own livestreams tailored to your needs. We stream your content to social networks or even to an internal network of your choice.

Seehund Media bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre
Events, Vorträge, Tagungen und individuellen Projekte mittels Livestreaming ins Internet zu verlegen. Mehrere Kameraperspektiven, Live-Regie, Einspieler und Live-Schalten per Videochat machen es möglich Ihre ganz eigenen, auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnittenen Livestreams zu produzieren.

Wir streamen Ihre Inhalte je nach Wunsch in die sozialen Netzwerke oder auch in ein von Ihnen gewünschtes internes Netzwerk.

Logo des Ensemble Modern aus Frankfurt

Case Study 2020 - Livestreaming for the Ensemble Modern

17 exciting streams with over 85,000 viewers - a successful example of how livestreaming works.

References from the streaming sector

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Live-Regie steht in einem bunten Dschungel im Fortuna Irgendwo in Frankfurt.

What are livestreams?

Take new digital paths with livestreaming

Livestreams are (video) transmissions in near real time of, for example, lectures, concerts, webinars, or even completely individual events via the Internet. The streamed content can be transmitted directly to social networks or via internal, password-protected systems to your customers or employees. The respective livestream can also include inserts (film sequences) or live broadcasts. In principle, everything is possible that you know from TV shows, concerts, or news broadcasts.

Our services in the area of live streaming

Your project - our solution

Within the scope of our livestreams we offer you the possibility to broadcast your content in a highly professional and memorable way to your audience anywhere in the world with up to six (moving) cameras and live editing in real time. Additionally, inserts with films, photos, or presentations can be embedded into the livestream as full screen or split screen. Parallel display of individual camera perspectives is also possible.

Equipment EM

The live stream is transmitted to all common social networks (e.g. Facebook, YouTube) or internal and closed networks, via private links with or without password. In social networks, it is also possible to interact with the viewers via live chat.

If desired, the complete livestream is available as a finished film after the production. Bring your offline event online and let the world be there live!

Logo des Ensemble Modern aus Frankfurt

Case Study "Ensemble Modern”

Using livestreaming to make concerts possible during the Corona crisis.

Initial situation: The Corona pandemic has caused a worldwide standstill since March 2020. Especially industries whose core business consists of bringing people together had to stop their activities completely. Even the Grammy Award-nominated and two ECHO Klassik award-winning Ensemble Modern, based in Frankfurt am Main, had to completely cancel joint concerts and projects. The consequences: Declining income from concerts and sponsorships.

The challenge, then, was to find solutions that would allow Ensemble Modern to safely play concerts and reach audiences despite the pandemic, without violating applicable hygiene measures and guidelines. The solution: In collaboration with Seehund Media. and the Streaming Factory from Cologne, the concert series "On Air - Ensemble Modern live from the attic" was realized and implemented as a professional livestream in the Ensemble Modern's attic hall.

The result: the livestream concerts held between April and June reached more than 85,000 listeners all over the world and had a total length of over 735 minutes.

minutes of Livestream

On Air - Ensemble Modern live from the attic

The livestream from the attic hall of the Ensemble Modern in Frankfurt

From April to June 2020, the Ensemble Modern's attic hall in Frankfurt's Osthafen, where concert preparations and rehearsals normally take place, was transformed into a livestream studio. Twice a week, the musicians of the Ensemble Modern presented the most diverse facets of the Ensemble Modern in live concerts of at least 30 minutes in length and with a changing line-up. In addition to a report on the Hesse radio station hr2, the German TV station 3sat also visited the set of the livestream to report on the Ensemble Modern's approach in the program “Kulturzeit”.

The number of musicians performing at the same time was mostly limited to a maximum of four people due to corona restrictions. This created a particularly intimate atmosphere that allowed viewers to gain completely new insights. 

The respective livestreams were filmed using three camera perspectives and made available to viewers via Facebook, YouTube, and the Ensemble Modern website. In addition to 15 pure Ensemble Modern livestreams, there was also a livestream in collaboration with medico international and a livestream at the Frankfurt Opera.

LIVESTREAM #10 "Offene Ohren - On Air – Ensemble Modern live from the Attic"

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