Film Production

Customized film productions for companies, projects, products and services. 

Moving images tell stories, attract attention, convey information clearly and present your company in a professional light. Seehund Media. produces a wide variety of moving image formats for companies, government agencies, organizations (NGOs) and artists from a wide range of industries. These include films, videos, and clips for application areas such as cinema and TV as well as the entire online area (e.g. social media, website, live streaming).

According to your wishes and the needs of your target groups, we produce an image film for your company, the documentation of an event for your customers or a presentation to publicize your latest project. With our experience and know-how in film production, we will work with you to come up with a professional product.. Contact us now for a non-obligatory initial consultation!

Different kinds of film productions


Koch schaut akribisch auf einen Dessertteller, der vor ihm steht.

Communicate the uniqueness of your company, the customer benefits and why you are successful in what you do. With our image films we put your company in a positive and professional light.

Recruitment film

Present your job advertisements, study, and training positions with exciting recruiting films. Show why people like to work for you and generate more applications.


Bild eines BMW X5 SUV bei der Fahrt durch einen verschneiten Wald

With an eye-catching commercial we present your product or service spectacularly. With us you can make sure that your customers can no longer forget you and your offers.

Event- & Projektfilme

Bild des London Symphony Orchestra mit dem Dirigenten Sir Simon Rattle bei der Probe in der Alten Oper Frankfurt ohne Publikum

An exciting project film is ideal for promoting or presenting your project. Whether company events, concerts, music festivals, or competitions: we successfully put you and your project in the spotlight.

Documentaries & Broadcasts

Bild des Rallye-Autos Skoda Fabia R4 von Rallyemeister Matthias Kahle

We have already illuminated topics such as the controversial open-cast lignite mining or the legendary Lausitz Rallye with documentaries. We are also happy to produce exciting documentary formats for you. 

Feature films

Geschichten über abgehalfterte Fernsehmoderatoren, Ehepaare in Therapie oder Jungs mit Superkräften wurden von uns bereits erzählt. Im Bereich Spielfilm sind wir immer offen für spannende Produktionen.

References from the film production sector

Show from 07/18/2022

with RTL Bachelor Dominik Stuckmann, Miss Germany 2022 Domitila Barros, psychologist and author Pia Kabitzsch and the Söhne Mannheims.


Case Study
Talkshow "The Frankfurter Late Night

The Frankfurter Late Night with Robin Zabler is a late-night talk show produced as part of the print magazine "The Frankfurter" and broadcast by Rhein-Main TV for regional TV. Seehund Media has been producing and developing the TV show since January 2022. Learn more.

Successfull film productions


Case Study
Alte Oper Frankfurt - Backstage" film series

The film series "Alte Oper Backstage" shows what happens backstage and in the catacombs of the Frankfurt concert hall before the orchestras, artists, and stars enter the stage and the concert can begin. Learn more.

Bild des London Symphony Orchestra mit dem Dirigenten Sir Simon Rattle bei der Probe in der Alten Oper Frankfurt ohne Publikum

Alte Oper Backstage: "Sir Simon Rattle with the London Symphony Orchestra" shot on 04/28/2018

Film production - How we work


Conception & Consulting

We design your individual film production

Together with you, we will design a film production tailored to your target group and your budget. For this purpose, we will hold a conceptual meeting with you to discuss your ideas, general conditions, and wishes. This discussion can take place in person on location or by telephone/Video call. As in all production phases, we pay attention to efficiency and accuracy in order to save time without overlooking anything and to be able to go into the deeper conception phase of the film production. In the next step, our team consults internally and we design a basic idea for your film production as well as an associated price framework. Once we mutually agreed on an idea, we immediately start with the production planning. 

Production with planning and shooting

The realization of our joint film production

After completion of the conception phase, we start with the implementation of the jointly planned film production. Internally, this includes planning the team, technology, locations, props, actors, time schedules and much more. Of course, we involve our customers in this step as much as necessary and as little as possible. This way we keep the effort on your side as low as possible.

During the shoot we follow a transparent and well coordinated production plan. This way we stay within budget and get the results we want. Respectful cooperation is important to us, even and especially in stressful or strenuous situations. This is one of the reasons why our team is highly motivated from the first to the last hour of the shooting day. 

Postproduction and completion

Editing, sound and color processing of the film production

After filming is completed, we back up the produced raw material several times and constantly monitor it on our internal, secured storage systems. With the start of post-production, the raw material is sifted and subsequently a first rough cut is created. As the edit progresses, feedback is gathered internally several times and the edit is continually adjusted to the desired end result. Afterwards, our customers receive the first preliminary version of the film production and have the opportunity to contribute their own feedback in change rounds. Once the customer feedback has been incorporated, we finalize the film production. This includes color editing, color grading, sound mixing and sound design. The finished film is then delivered via our central film portal using the download function. 

Useful information about film productions

What are the advantages of film productions?

Moving image conveys information quickly and emotionally

FiIm has become a ubiquitous medium due to the technical progress of the last decades. Fast and mobile Internet, smaller file formats, more powerful (mobile) devices and the generally much improved technical infrastructure make it possible today to consume moving images anytime and anywhere. With greater technical availability, user numbers have developed dynamically, accordingly. At the same time, moving image content is consumed most extensively on the Internet compared to audible or readable content. 

This advantage of film and video over pure audio or text content can be explained logically. Of the five human senses, visual perception, i.e. the sense of sight, is the most important for information intake. We perceive 83 percent of information through the eye. When we consume images, the information they contain is therefore accessed intuitively. That is why we remember disproportionately what we see. 

For companies and organizations and their communication policy in the sense of public relations, marketing and advertising, there is, thus, no alternative to moving images in this day and age. It is high time to adapt one's own strategy and resource allocation in order to be able to successfully place the desired information with the recipients in the future as well.

What is content marketing?

Using film productions for your own marketing goals

Content marketing is a communication strategy that uses useful and interesting content and information for recipients in order to improve the acceptance, awareness, and image of the product, company, brand or project in the target groups. Targeting new customers to arouse their interest is also a fundamental goal of content marketing.

The information used in content marketing often does not, necessarily, have an advertising character but is primarily intended to inform recipients and thus influence their view of the product, company, or brand. In this way, content marketing gives recipients the feeling that they are not just seen as consumers who have to be targeted with advertising in order to buy goods and services. The added value of the (advertising) message is in the foreground and not the next impulse purchase.

Thus, with this communication strategy, it is also possible to convey complex issues since the attention span of the recipients is much more pronounced than with classic advertising. 

How does storytelling work?

Telling (advertising) messages as a film

Storytelling belongs to the field of content marketing. Here, an advertising message is not presented directly and strikingly to the recipient but in the form of a story. In contrast to classic advertising, the focus here is not immediately and obviously on the advertising message, but on individually definable facts or protagonists that appear in the story and with which the recipients can identify. In most cases, the product, the company or the brand only comes into contact with the storyline at the end or in the course of the story, whereby the advertising message is placed indirectly and is, consequently, perceived as very authentic.

Storytelling, today, takes place in a wide variety of moving image formats. Stories can be told within a short commercial or added to and built up piece by piece over large campaigns. Often, attempts are made to create targeted content that goes viral, i.e. that spreads independently through the recipient's telling and passing on the content. Some of these stories grow to unimagined size and reach through their virality and the resulting user-generated content (UGC). 

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